Still on cloud nine after the launch of the . Love the stories and the way this whole thing just came together. A couple of days ago I received this nice video with words from Danny and Brendan. Thank you so much guys! And thanks Andy Lark for making this introduction. It’s like we were supposed to work together...
Team New Zealand is Amazing!
Have you ever met a sailor? Not just a sailor, but a died-in-the-wool Kiwi sailor? These are not average human beings. They possess an uncanny propensity for personal fitness, skill, and endurance. Then, as Kiwi’s usually do, they have an abnormal take on what adventure really is.
A couple of years ago I met the greatest sailing team on earth (Team New Zealand). Had the chance to work with them at their headquarters in Auckland and witnessed first hand their passion for dominating the seas.
So we designed and built a blog to help spread as much awareness about Team New Zealand as we could to every corner of the world...
Dumbo Feather Launch!
There’s this place in Melbourne called the White House. It’s the home of Small Giants. A special company with a passion for making a difference. But that’s not something you can get from this simple post. Lot’s of people say they want to make a difference. But I’ve had the privilege of meeting and working very closely with Danny, Berry, Brendan, David, and the team at Small Giants. These folks are a class act. And they are indeed making a GIANT difference.
On the property you can smell the energy...
“With a Little Help From Our Friends”
You know how the song goes, “We get by – with a little help – from our friends”
Every year the school our son attends, puts on an auction fundraiser. It’s a big deal for the kids because the money we raise provides needed improvement for the school.
This year, Melissa worked with the children of the fifth grade class along with Kathy Van Blargen who is also the room parent. The goal was to create an artistic piece that would consist of small works from each student in the class. The piece needed to bring a voice from every child that could fit together as one whole piece...
Safe Journeys, BlogBoy
Brian Lusk was a pioneer. He was at the epicenter of BlogSouthwest. In the beginning there was no strategic blueprint yet to follow. It was all about the bravery of a brand, Southwest Airlines, revealing its soul for the world to see.
With Brian in the middle of it, the strategy just worked out. And the rest made history.
Never before did I think we’d be writing about a guy like Brian this way...
Back from Down Under
Had a great and productive trip to Australia. First went to Melbourne to see our new friends at Dumbo Feather. Gotta get these issues in the U.S. Then it was off to Sydney to see old friends, new friends, and new clients. Along the way I was sure to take plenty of snapshots...
Three thousand, two hundred, eighty five days. That’s how long RD2 has been in business. The last single digit before our ten year anniversary. Following are a few reasons as to why this day is significant to myself and the team…
I started with a partner (Larry Dupler). Bought him out. And today he’s still one of my closest friends. How many partners can see both sides of a recession, go separate ways, and both look back at the experience as a positive one?
We started the world’s first airline blog, and it went on to be recognized as the world’s best corporate blog, four years consecutively.
We stood by many small businesses and helped them develop their brands. We’ve seen many become incredibly successful...
Nine Years. Where has all the time gone?

Nine years ago on December 19, 2003, RD2 sprang to life within the confines of Chris Ronan’s own garage. You might say it was a humble beginning, but sometimes the best and most impactful results stem from something many may deem small. Plus, it had White Rock Lake as the backdrop so I mean, c’mon, it wasn’t that bad.
Our First Home
Our Current Home
Over the years, RD2 grew in client base and employees. There were growing pains, and lessons to be learned. Throughout all this, the singular vision of RD2 was never lost and remained steadfast. Simply Innovate Brands. An easy to remember and understand concept, yet so many other companies have tried the same and faltered...