Does that Cloud look like advanced disaster recovery to you?

Mar 7 2012
Does that Cloud look like advanced disaster recovery to you?

While many of us might recognize the “Cloud’ as one of those new hot words, like “Geotagging,” “Social Networking.” or “Microblogging,” for companies like Maxava, it has been in their daily exchanges for years. Specializing in remote disaster recovery solutions, Maxava has been in the Cloud data business before it was known as “the Cloud.” Recognizing the new buzz in the market and within Social Media, Maxava approached RD2 to help them build a new tool for tapping into the hype and promoting their products.

While looking to promote the product, RD2 also felt it was important to help clarify the confusion that surrounds the topic as well as make sure the site captured all the buzz happening around the Web. But how to do that while also wanting to keep the promotional messaging quick and hard-hitting? The solution RD2 proposed was a “Dense Microsite” – enabling a large amount of content to be presented quickly and efficiently for users without overwhelming them with too much data. High-level marketing combined with clean design helps to make the dense data easier to scan and understand. To make things easier on Maxava, RD2 utilized their existing WordPress install, capitalizing on the newest multi-site functionality to allow Maxava to pull existing content into the site, and generate fresh, new posts while maintaining their single point of content entry.

The end result? A new website that pulls in multiple streams of content from unique sources, maintains a high-level marketing message while working to educate the user, and keeps the time investment ultra low for the client. What does the client think? They are on cloud nine.

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Maxava Cloud Dense Microsite

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