vStart Virtualization with a simple push of a button

vStart Virtualization with a simple push of a button

RD2 has been fortunate enough to have had a long working history with Dell. Over the years we have been able to forge solid working relationships with many people there and in some cases, turned them into great personal friendships. It has been through the ongoing exercise of trust and delivery that we have been able to push the envelope for Dell and help prove to ourselves we can do it.

Dell approached RD2 with a new concept. It was called vStart. A new approach to the whole ‘cloud’ and ‘virtualization’ craze. What Dell created was a fantastic new idea that was shocking it hadn’t been done yet. Create an all-in-one, ready-to-go, plug-n-play, you’re-off-to-the-races cloud based virtualization package for companies that aren’t quite ready to step up to a full-on Enterprise level virtualization solution.

This was something new for Dell. It had to be different. It had to leave an impression. It would also be a lead generation website that is focused on delivering the maximum amount of information as possible to educate the audience on the value of cloud and an extended enterprise through virtualization. We started by re-thinking our pre-conceived notions of what we thought it needed to look like and how it needed to function. We went through several rounds of design and UX in order to make the end result innovative. While keeping Dell brand standards in mind, we were able to help push the site in a slightly different direction while not deviating too far. The entire site revolves around a featured animation sequence that allows the user to interact and discover. All of this was achieved with jQuery on a LiveBall platform resulting in a flawless sequence of motion transitions.

It’s not everyday we get the opportunity to help Dell promote a new product, so we took every opportunity to ensure it would shine.