Dell OEM Blog v.1
The OEM Solutions arm at Dell has picked up a lot of traction lately with the OEM parts they offer for their wide product range. It is because of this that Dell contacted RD2 to step in and help them develop a social outlet that would be innovative and help propel their success even further.
The key ingredient in this endeavour was innovation. Dell OEM Solutions was not looking for the standard blog look with posts on the left and a lengthy right rail housing Categories, Lastest Posts, Authors, … you get the idea. They wanted something that would reflect the uniqueness that the OEM solutions team stood for. RD2 eagerly took that challenge and created the “un-blog” blog for Dell. The result is a blog with two distinct main views. A most recent view which displays an informational style view and an archive view which highlights all the posts with seasonally color coded dates and titles. The right rail was locked at the bottom and runs the length of the browser revealing each bucket when clicked.